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Des Plaines River Wetland Demonstration Project water level fluctuation study -March 2012

Edited by Jill A. Kostel and Donald L. Hey

Revisiting flood control: An examination of federal flood control policy in light of the 1993 flood event on the Upper Mississippi River

Nancy S. Philippi

Spending federal flood control dollars: Three case sudies of the 1993 Mississippi River floods

Nancy S. Philippi

Improving habitat quality for migratory waterfowl and nesting birds: Assessing the effectiveness of the Des Plaines River Wetlands Demonstration Project

Scott C. Hickman and Vincent J. Mosca

Intensive studies of wetland functions: 1990–1991 research summary of the Des Plaines River Wetlands Demonstration Project

Compiled by J. Henry Sather

Sedge establishment studies: How age and storage conditions affect germination and viability of Carex seed

Tony L. Bremholm and Arnold G. van der Valk

Sedge establishment studies: How soil amendments improve growth of Carex stricta seedlings

Tony L. Bremholm and Arnold G. van der Valk

Development of redoximorphic features in constructed wetland soils

M.J. Vepraskas, S.J. Teets, J.L Richardson and J.P. Tandarich

Effects of streambed modification on stream quality and carp in the Des Plaines River

Richard V. Anderson

Further study of the effects of streambed modification on stream quality and carp in the Des Plaines River

Richard V. Anderson

Evidence of prehistoric beaver activity in the Des Plaines River valley, Illinois

Edwin R. Hajic, Ph.D., and Gregory R. Walz

The continuing effectiveness of the Des Plaines River Wetlands Demonstration Project in improving habitat for migrating and nesting birds

Scott Hickman, Ph.D., and Vincent Mosca

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